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Spring '24 Registration Instructions
Junior High, JV & Varsity

Please read the below and follow the two steps for registration for this spring. We need to migrate to a new web hosting platform and that won't be in place soon enough for a typical registration.

1) Eligibility - Your player must be "51% homeschooled." 
       East Michigan Panthers VARSITY Team is allowed only TWO exceptions for players attending a school which does not offer soccer.  If you've been in contact with us about this, either this year or in a previous year, please proceed. 
       If you have not been in contact with us, please email to determine if your player is eligible to play. Because we are limited at the Varsity level, we may necessarily be limited at the JV level, since we don't want to accept players who may not be able to continue through senior year.  
       **If your child attends a school which DOES offer soccer, please do reach out. Depending on your circumstances, there could still be an allowable exception, but it would need to be approved by the Varsity Midwest Regional tournament hosts. Please go to our ELIGIBILITY page for more detailed information.**

**IMPORTANT** If you have general questions before you register, please direct those inquiries to, not to the address. Only if you're ready to register, proceed to 2). 

2) If your player is eligible, please email the following information to with Spring Registration in the subject line: 

1. NAME 
5. EMAIL and PHONE CONTACT for at least one parent. 
6. FOR JUNIOR HIGH, please include SHIRT SIZE
7. FOR JV/VARSITY, please include SHORT, SHIRT SIZE and SHOE SIZE (for socks).

Once we receive your registration email, you'll be emailed back a Medical Release form which you should bring to the first night of placements for JV/Varsity and to the parent meeting for Junior High (date tbd). 

Please note:
- If you aren't sure at what level your player will fall, please note that. 
- JV/Varsity rosters will be determined after placements on March 4 and March 7 and those players will receive notification asap following March 7.


Payments are not due until APRIL 15

We won't be taking payments until the new website is up. 

If you are in Hamburg township, you can note that now so I can plan to apply for your scholarship money. 


East Michigan Panthers is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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